Hiho! Hopefully the title is self explanatory. ^_^

Amongst the letters you'll find all the shitajiki (pencil boards) I've amassed so far. I've also included
their smaller cousins, lami (short for laminate and known as idol card too) since I don't have enough
to warrant a separate gallery. If look at what's here, you'll see nearly all the shitajiki are from anime.
For the most part collected from series I've watched (the more PBs have for a series, the more I liked the show ^^;)
however, I will get ones where the art alone caught my eye. Why collect? Uummm... Too pretty to resist? ^.^

Looking for boards? Check through my extras for sale/trade here

Fancy something in my gallery? There's a chance I might be willing to part with it. Might! Feel free to ask.
Although if it's any of the City Hunter or the Mamoru one, don't bother. =)

Note: Picture on display is not necessarily from a shitajiki (but probably wish it was!)

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Oi! If you're goin' to make off with any of the SD shots that took me a LONG time to isolate, have the decency
to ask first or at least say thanks! Otherwise. . . I've got a 100T hammer I'd like you to meet.